May the road you travel on rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warmly upon your face, And the rain fall softly upon your fields, And until we meet again, May God hold you and all that is yours, In the hollow of His hand

Our History

Our origin: In 1957, a 40 years old housewife and woman of courage, prophetess Huldah Amadi, was healed of complicated depression due to recurrent grief and loss.

She had buried her two sons and when her youngest daughter also died, she went into a tailspin. She suffered intense sorrow and emotional pain to the point of hopelessness and emptiness in her life.

At this time there was very little or no medical care available to her and she could not afford it anyway. But a relative took her to a healing Centre and she was divinely healed.

She wanted to do something in return as gratitude to the God who saved her from an untimely death and gave her back her health for her young family. In 1960 she was given a mandate to take the same divine healing power to her own people.

The civil war

However, the Nigerian Biafra civil war intervened and lasted until 1970. Through it all she was still hopeful that the God who healed her and called her to ministry would protect her and her young family from the ravages of conflict, war, disease and hunger and enable her to serve Him afterwards. She survived the war and started making plans to honour her divine mandate.

In 1974 she finally founded and planted a healing Centre, Holy Chapel of God Church, for the less privileged who could not afford hospital treatment or for whom such treatment could not help in their case. The healing Centre merged prayer of faith with divine healing and succeeded in getting many attendees healed of various afflictions.

Dr. Joshua-Amadi’s involvement

Dr. Joshua-Amadi worked as a medical attendant to this healing Centre for a charity for thirteen years (1983 to 1996).

Dedication to duty

Meanwhile Prophetess Huldah Amadi, worked tirelessly to firmly establish the Centre. She laboured joyfully for the next 26 years to set it on a sound footing until she was called home in 2000. God blessed and honoured her labour.

She left specific instructions on the work still to be done on the church and healing Centre for the next generation to build on what she started.

Today the healing Centre and church still stand on the same ground helping the local community and people from surrounding towns and villages. It is being run by able ministers, trustees and supporters.

More recently

In 2006, Dr. Joshua-Amadi started sharing the word of God with a group of abused, discontented, disadvantaged, indebted and disenfranchised ladies from ethnic minority areas.  This was to help them make sense of their situation and to reflect on their plight with a view to praying in the mercy and grace of God on their lives and dire situations. After months of bible study and reflection, all the ladies were spiritually healed from their traumatic situations.

Some found managerial jobs. Some quit living on benefits and found paying jobs. Some had their huge debts either miraculously cancelled or paid off. Several groups of ladies have gone through this course of studies to find and rediscover themselves, improve their self-esteem and become productive members of society and to reconnect with their families.

The calling

In 2008, Dr. Joshua-Amadi was officially called to the ministry and was anointed and ordained to teach the word of God. She became a Bible teacher and spiritual leader.

Ministry is born

1n 2010 Liberty International Christian Organisation (LINCO) was registered as a charity, to reach a wider group of people from other areas and to enable them discover and liberate themselves from suffering and the pain of emotional bondage.

Today the ministry has evolved into using varied available means to reach and help the lost and discontented to reconnect with society and families. These means include articles, books, poetry, wit and wisdom, events and seminars.

In 2014, Dr. Joshua-Amadi was ordained as an apostle of Jesus Christ.

Today Dr. Joshua-Amadi uses articles on the word and from current affairs, poetry, wit and wisdom, seminars, events and books to reach the mass of humanity, one soul at a time, proclaiming the goodness, mercy, kindness and abounding grace of God for all, irrespective of where they find themselves. Liberty International, a.k.a JOSHUA AMADI MINISTRIES is further dedicated to helping readers and partners liberate themselves from the bondage that can shackle and mire many in pain, suffering and defeated lifestyles. To this end we use articles, poetry, seminars and postings to help readers and partners free themselves from abuse, tension, trauma, misunderstandings, conflict, discontent, anger, strife and temper in these vital areas of daily life:

  • Spiritual
  • Emotional
  • Mental
  • Financial
  • Physical
  • Relationships

Members and partners from our Bible classes, who were abused, maltreated, discontented, distressed and marginalised at home were enabled to go from:

  • Personal abuse to healing and restoration
  • Strife, tension, resentment and conflict to peaceful resolution
  • Temper, rage and anger to self-control and self-mastery
  • Emotional pain and trauma to healing and serenity
  • Discontentment and distress to personal happiness and equanimity or calmness of mind

God is no respecter of persons. What He did for the attendees of the Bible classes He can do for all who truly desire His help and healing from the life conditions they encounter or find themselves. There is always hope. We encourage you to read the articles on this site and request for prayers and intercession from our team of dedicated prayer warriors.

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